The new version 4.195 of theasoft V4 is available for download.
Main features of the new version at a glance:
New functions in absence planning.
The period selection function has been revised. Simplified years and seasons can now be selected.
You can now filter the working areas shown and display free days for the standard cast.
Weeks without free days are highlighted with a red frame.
For simplified scheduling, there is now a “Schedule free days” option. After clicking on the function, select the areas in which the programme should automatically schedule days off.
Click on “mouse pointer” or press the ESC key to deactivate the function again.
You can set the rules to be applied by right-clicking on the function.
After updating the daily scheduling template, the “Schedule free days” function is also available here. You can use this to schedule days off and add them directly to the output.
Reminder function for persons, activities, casts, productions and contracts.
You will find a symbol with a yellow bell in the respective detail windows. You can also create and manage the reminders.
The reminders can be created for yourself or other users/user groups. At the time of your choosing, a small dialogue will appear with a note specified by you and the option to open the linked person, activity etc.
A new user rights area has been created for the reminders. Before you can use reminders, you must have the appropriate authorisations.
The toolbar also contains an icon with a yellow bell, which you can use to open a small view that displays reminders that are relevant to you.
User administration: Supports multi-selection of user rights and season rights.
You can now easily set the rights for multiple users/owner groups/seasons. Simply select multiple rows and columns with the mouse and set/remove rights. When setting optional rights, only the rights you have clicked are set/removed, and inherited rights are not overridden when setting season rights.
Attachments in PDF/Word/Excel format are shown in a preview.
The attachments can now be viewed directly in theasoft v4. The previews are optimised for each format and offer similar viewing features as Word and Excel.
Further information on the individual items can be found in the relevant help sections.