The new version 4.246 of theasoft V4 is available for download.

Main features of the new version at a glance:

Modules: thea.dispo, thea.perso, thea.orchester, thea.chor, thea.ballett, thea.statisterie

Expansion of payment rules

It is now possible to store a basic hourly rate in the settings for the respective billing rules of a module (in the master data under Contract->Payment Rules and rates), for example for work on certain days of the week or activity types.

All types of holidays can now also be provided with their own payment rules.

Module: thea.perso

Times from the timetable are displayed in the demand schedule

The “timetable” in theasoft was developed specifically for stages with constant side trips. If a timetable (outbound journey and/or inbound journey) is stored for a performance on a side trip, the corresponding travel time is displayed in the demand schedule of the duty roster (demand schedule setting: Display demand per activity). It overwrites the Set-up times that may have been stored for the task area. The prerequisite for this new functionality is that the task area in the individual production is assigned to a departure group. This can be set up either in the Basic Cast of the production or under Management->Demand->Countdown/Personal Request.

Further information on the individual items can be found in the relevant help sections.